
We're "live" on WordPress!

Hi everyone! Welcome to our new site, on a new hosting platform, on a new webhost. We’ve left Blogger and our old hosting site at thoriumenergy.blogspot.com and we’re now using WordPress on energyfromthorium.com! So you can update your bookmarks at your leisure but in the meantime all the old links should still work and direct you here.

This new hosting strategy is going to make it much easier to do a lot of the things that I’ve been planning to do for some time–trying to turn energyfromthorium.com into a real resource for people who want to learn about thorium and the fluoride reactor.

In recent months, we’ve had a lot of people who’ve read the articles in WIRED or other media outlets and found their way here, and have struggled in vain looking for the “front door” of energy information. I don’t blame you folks. I have wanted to create that “front door” and all of my previous attempts have fallen short, but I think that this approach will give us the flexibility to create that introduction to thorium that people are looking for.

In the near term, we’re going to have a new look to the site–this stark black-and-white look is very temporary. We’re also going to restore the links from the Blogger site, and that might take a few days, so please be patient.

I hope this works out to be a good move for all involved.

7 thoughts on “We're "live" on WordPress!

  1. Best of luck with WordPress. It is a great publishing platform that I have been using extensively for 2.5 years. My familiarity with Blogger is limited, but I'm sure you will find the vast usability and open source support for WordPress to be very helpful as you further develop the new home for Energy from Thorium.

  2. It would seem to be useful to have a link to the forum (and maybe other urls in the site) on the front page of the blog, since it is the hosted on the bare (www.)energyfromthorium.com URL and people will come there who don't remember exactly where they want to go.

  3. After reading the article about Thorim in the Columbus Dispatch, I wonder why the US has not hastened to build power plants with this material?
    I hear every day about building Wind Mills for energy…etc….but they never seem to do anything about it but talk.

    Lloyd Shellhammer

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