Holding a Fluoride Salt for the First Time
On Friday, September 23, several of us from Flibe Energy traveled to Oak Ridge National Laboratory for a short meeting and a driving tour of some of the historical sites there.
On Friday, September 23, several of us from Flibe Energy traveled to Oak Ridge National Laboratory for a short meeting and a driving tour of some of the historical sites there.
“Does thorium have a role to play in generating energy for the UK?” That is the central question that brought me to the United Kingdom as Flibe Energy to participate in the launch of the Weinberg Foundation, a new non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to the advancement of thorium and the fluid-fuelled reactor. Our trip was […]
After writing a guest post on a Forbes blog in March, I was invited to start my own blog on Forbes and have welcomed the opportunity. I called my Forbes blog “The Future of Energy” and I hope that my posts will be entertaining and informative, and will capture the thrill and excitement that I […]
The question was asked by Baroness Angela Smith of Basildon, and the government’s response was given by Lord Marland of Odstock, who is Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Department of Energy and Climate Change.
Lady Worthington rises to the defense of the thorium option in the pages of the Ecologist, where so recently it was attacked by Eifion Rees. The Ecologist: Response: don’t dismiss the potential of thorium nuclear power To successfully reduce the risk of climate change we need to commericalise affordable, safe, flexible, long-lasting, low carbon sources […]
Gordon McDowell is a pretty amazing guy. I “virtually” met Gordon when he stitched together several of the thorium-related Google Tech Talks into his first attempt at telling the thorium story, “LFTR in 25 minutes“. Now 25 minutes is a vast improvement over four hours, but Gordon wasn’t satisfied, so he got the story even […]
I really enjoyed the opportunity to be a part of Jim Puplava’s “Financial Sense Newshour” recently. Jim opened the interview with almost exactly the question I wanted to talk about: what are we going to do about our staggering dependence on fossil fuel? Before I ever knew about thorium or LFTR, I would read about […]
I had the privilege of meeting Bryony Worthington, founder of Sandbag.org, in July 2009 when she was a member of the panel that would deliver the Manchester Report, which was a part of the Manchester International Festival sponsored by the Guardian newspaper. Sandbag works to purchase and “retire” carbon credits, thus reducing the amount of […]
Several people who have recently learned about thorium have contacted me with regards to a “fact sheet” about thorium issued by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER) and Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) called “Thorium Fuel: No Panacea for Nuclear Power.” The authors of this sheet were Arjun Makhijani and Michele Boyd. Last […]
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: Safe nuclear does exist, and China is leading the way with thorium Welcome Telegraph readers!